Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian Church 牧谷基督長老教會
Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian Church 牧谷基督長老教會

Bring People and Missions Together


At the Presbyterian Foundation, our mission is simple - Bringing People and Mission Together. Enabling Presbyterians to change the world with their accumulated assets in accordance with their Presbyterian values is the core of our existence. Members identify the areas of mission for which they have a passion - their local church, global, national or hometown mission - and our staff assists in discovering a way to give that will best meet their, and their mission's, needs. You are invited to browse through this section to discover ways to increase funds for mission. Announcing the Idea Exchange for Mission Funding to share ideas of what works and what doesn't in development efforts to fund mission.

Promote Gifts to Support Missions
Looking for ideas to encourage lifetime giving? We have several ideas and free resources to help to communicate to your member the joy of giving. 

Wills Emphasis Resource Materials
Order free Wills Emphasis materials to start your program or expand on an existing giving initiative.

Gift Annuity 
Supporting your mission through gift annuities is made possible through the Foundation. Resources are available to assist in encouraging your members to consider this avenue for giving.

Endowment Building & Investment
Building endowments within your church could be the most important project you take on for the future of your congregation and its mission.

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2019 © Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian Church 南加州洛杉磯地區哈崗牧谷基督長老教會