Please fill out the form by 11/19/2023.
請在11 月 19 日之前填寫問卷。
SOTV 2024 Pledge
Members may also print out the pledge card, fill it out and mail back to church.
會員也可以列印出認獻卡,填寫並在11 月 19 日之前郵寄回教堂。
Thank you. 謝謝。
October 29, 2023
Dear Shepherd of the Valley Community,
We are thankful that you are part of Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian Church, serving our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. Just as we raise our thanks to God for our church, we are also thankful for each of its members, each one with talents, time and gifts to share. Your past contributions of your gifts have created a vibrant ministry here.
We are blessed to have worship technology which makes it possible for so many friends and family to be part of our worship services online, and most importantly, memorial services. What a blessing that loved ones who have trouble traveling are still able to witness this important life passage. This is a feature that remains after the pandemic that we will carry into the future.
This year we again observed important Sundays together, the festivals of Easter, Pentecost, World Communion and soon, Christmas, and performed important work as one combined church; we installed our church officers, baptized a little one, and received three new members, with a fourth joining at our Christmas Sunday service. The inclusion of members as “live translators” enriched those services immeasurably.
In 2024, we hope to reassess the footprint of our faithful church practice in the community perhaps reviving the community celebration of the International Festival. God is calling us to active community engagement. And, though we do not know what form this outreach will take, we ask you to pray about it and imagine the joy of taking the good news of God’s love out into the world.
Let us respond to our many blessings with loving action to make the world better, where we can. It changes our relationship with the Lord by turning our hearts and resources toward the things God cares about.
This is Stewardship season. You will find enclosed your 2024 giving pledge card. Your pledge is the best way to let our congregational leadership know how much financial support for programs and staff they will likely see next year. We hope that you will spend some time praying about it and then turn in your pledge card, mail it back or submit it online. at by Sunday, November 12th, or no later than Sunday, November 19th. We thank you in advance for your commitment to Shepherd and pray many blessings upon you!
SOTV Stewardship Committee,
Hsing-Hung Chen, Amy Cheng, Rev. Deidra Goulding, Charlie Huang, Rev. Yank Lee, Angela Pai, Rev. Fischer Peng, Freya Schmus, David Weber, Marcia Wilcut, Harry Wilson, Cliff Yang, and Heimin Yen (chair).
NOTE: Our Congregational Meeting to elect new officers and preview the 2024 budget is November 19, 2023, 10:30 AM. Please plan to attend to ensure we have a quorum.
10月 29, 2023
我们很感恩您是牧谷长老教会的成员,讓我们一同事奉救主耶稣基督。 感谢我们的上帝,也感谢教会的每一位成员分享你们不同的恩赐,才干,能力和时间。 在这里,您的恩赐和贡献建造了一个充满活力的事奉。
我们很幸运拥有新的科技,可以用在线上的崇拜活动,甚至可以在线上参与追悼会,让在旅途中的亲人仍然能够见证这段重要的人生历程。 现在疫情刚过后,这方式也许会延续到未来仍然可以使用。
2024 年,我们希望重新评估教会过去在社区中所作的事工,或许能够恢复国际文化节庆祝活动。 上帝呼召我们积极参与社区活动,虽然目前还不确定宣教活动将采取什么形式,如何将上帝爱世人的好消息传播到每个地方,请您为此事祷告。
让我们用爱心和行动来回应上帝的祝福,尽我们所能让世界变得更美好。 借着奉献我们的爱心和资源给上帝,关心祂的事,必能增进我们与主的关系。
现在是计划未来财政的季节,随函附上 2024 年捐赠承诺卡。 您的承诺可以让财政人员更好的计划明年教会的事工和对员工提供的支持。希望您花一些时间为此祷告,填写您的承诺卡,然后邮寄回来, 请于 11 月 12 日(星期日)或不晚于 11 月 19 日(星期日)交回。如在线上提交,请浏览。 我们预先感谢您对牧谷教会的支持,并求上帝祝福您!
SOTV 管理委员会敬上,
Hsing-Hung Chen, Amy Cheng, Rev. Deidra Goulding, Charlie Huang, Rev. Yank Lee, Angela Pai, Rev. Fischer Peng, Freya Schmus, David Weber, Marcia Wilcut, Harry Wilson, Cliff Yang, and Heimin Yen (主席)
请注意:选举新职员及预览 2024 年预算的会员大会,将于 2023 年 11 月 19 日上午 10:30 举行。请踊跃参加以确保会议法定人数。