Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian Church was begun by Dr. J. Albert Smith and a group of young families in 1969. The church buildings were completed and dedicated on May 5th, 1974. The continuing mission of this congregation has been the spreading of God’s love and concern for all people here and abroad.
牧谷基督長老教會是一間美國長老教會屬下的地方教會,於1969年由Dr. J. Albert Smith牧師和一群當地的基督徒一起開拓。1974年5月5日舉行獻堂典禮,擔起哈崗地區的宣教工作,並傳揚上帝的愛及關懷。
During the last 40 years new residents, predominantly from Southeast Asia, have been moving into the area. A Taiwanese language service was begun in 1994 when the leaders of SOTV recognized that God was directing them to these neighbors. Soon the congregation became known for its multicultural ministry and the wealth of opportunity for friendships and joy that happens here weekly. You are welcome to join with us to share God’s love in this big family of Christ.
The Presbyterian Church is one part of God’s universal Church, the Body of Christ. As such we believe in : God, the Creator of the universe; Christ Jesus, the incarnation of God on earth; the Holy Spirit, the presence of God in the world and in the believer; the Church, the universal company of Christ’s followers; forgiveness of sin, made possible by the death of Jesus Christ on our behalf; life everlasting, shown by the resurrection of Jesus; and the Bible, the inspired word of God.
長老教會是上帝普世教會的成員之一,基督肢體的一部分。因此,我們相信:上帝,宇宙的創造者; 耶穌基督,上帝在地上的化身; 聖靈,上帝在世上和在信徒中的存在;教會,信徒追隨基督的聚所; 罪的赦免,因耶穌基督為我們的罪而死; 生命永恆,由耶穌的複活顯示; 和聖經,上帝啟示的話語。
Members feel prayer is very important and an essential part of our lives. We value
prayer requests from the congregation, prayer groups and the prayer chain that brings members to prayer quickly when any need arises. We watch in awe as God works in response to
Sacrament and Scripture.
We celebrate Communion at the Lord’s Table monthly. Bible study classes meet on Sundays and Friday
Mission programs.
Local community mission projects receive enthusiastic support from the congregation. We are involved in projects
helping the homeless, working with senior citizens in our neighborhood and working with Habitat for Humanity, to name only a few of our projects.
All who attend are given a warm welcome, newcomers and old-timers alike.
在社區宣教及外展事工得到會友的熱烈支持。我們參與幫助無家可歸者的事工,與我們附近的老年公民合作,與 Habitat for Humanity合作,僅列舉我們的幾個外展事工。
Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian Church English, Taiwanese, Mandarin Service 哈崗牧谷長老教會中文台語台灣教 哈崗 羅蘭崗 洛杉磯 San Gabriel Valley Los Angeles Hacienda Rowland Heights