Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian
Church, by the grace of God, is a joyful, loving and international congregation where people of all cultures are welcome and accepted and whose Mission is to:Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian Church English,
Taiwanese, Mandarin Service 哈崗牧谷長老教會中文台語
Love God
through worship and prayer哈崗 羅蘭崗 洛台灣教 杉磯 San Gabriel Valley Los Angeles Hacienda Rowland Heights
Follow Christ
our personal Savior through study of His life, teachings, and obedience to His world
Seek the Holy Spirit
to be renewed and empowered to do God’s work on earth 教會 哈崗 羅蘭崗 洛杉磯
San Gabriel Valley Los Angeles Hacienda Rowland Heights
Love Others
through service in church and community, supporting, teaching, encouraging and challenging others to find their God given gifts and their ministry.
Bring People & Missions Together
We have three Sunday worship services, beginning at 8:00 a.m. in Mandarin. The 9:30 a.m. service is in English, and is attended by people from the many different cultures that are represented in our community, expressing the diversity of the Body of Christ. Our 11:00 a.m. service is in Taiwanese, serving that large community in Hacienda Heights and the surrounding area.
Additionally, Hosanna Korean Presbyterian Church meets in our sanctuary at 1:00 p.m.
我們有三個主日崇拜服務,從華語堂於上午8:00開始。 上午9:30是英語堂,來自在我們社區所代表的許多不同文化的人們,表達基督教的多樣性。 我們上午11:00的台語堂,服務住在於 Hacienda Heights 及周邊地區的台灣人。
此外,Hosanna 韓國長老教會於下午1:00在我們的教堂禮拜。